Administrative Expense Claims

Two Circuits Now Require Refunds for Overpayment of U.S. Trustee Fees

The Second Circuit essentially reissued its original decision from last year by again requiring the U.S. Trustee to refund the overpayment of unconstitutional fees.

Second Circuit Says Orderly Liquidation Value Is Proper for a Retailer in Chapter 11

The Second Circuit adapts Rash to value the lender’s collateral in chapter 11 where there was a going-concern sale.

Otherwise Valid Post-Petition Claims Sometimes Won’t Qualify for Administrative Status

Judge Sarah Hall declined to expand the exception in Reading for post-petition claims to have administrative status.

Although It Paid Creditors in Full, Eleventh Circuit Subordinates an Unauthorized Loan

Eleventh Circuit gives the bankruptcy judge wide discretion in subordinating debts and denying retroactive approval of loans.

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After Siegel, Tenth Circuit Mandates Refunds for Overpayment of U.S. Trustee Fees

The Tenth Circuit is the first appeals court to rule on remedy after the Supreme Court said that the 2018 increase in U.S. Trustee fees was unconstitutional.
